Monday, November 14, 2016

Keep on Trumpin' 11/14/16

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15th , 2016 completes the first week since the Presidential Election. Americans cast their ballots for their candidates and issues. Having the right to vote is what makes being an American citizen an incredible right and privilege.

My voting history started above the firehouse in Withamsville, Ohio. I have continued voting for my entire life. The mailbox gets filled with flyers and literature before each election. Robo calls try to get past my call identity service. Billboards, yard signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, pins and hats are distributed and purchased. Campaigns are big business. The media "cleans up" too, with millions of dollars in ad sales. So, too, newspapers, magazines and flyers keep the print industry alive.

It has been an incredible election. This time we had our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We found our opinions expressed by others "on the internet". We gained and lost friends, we followed and unfollowed others whose opinions clashed with ours. It's "Democracy in Action" - big time!

As a political junkie, someone who has been in and out of the political game, I know what it takes to "sell a candidate". I've had great candidates but they lost. I've worked through the "entire spectrum" of politics from grass roots to highly organized, national campaigns. In other words, "I've seen it all".

This campaign for POTUS was well fought. Campaigns are "one thing". Being POTUS is "another". Reality sets in very quickly. The K Street crowd won't give up their power. They will just shift and adapt to the current administration. Bureaucrats will just realign themselves "accordingly". Those who live "inside the beltway" know the rules - they make and enforce them!

We citizens can be easily led "this way or that". It's best to review our history, to find out again what our forefathers had in mind when they created this "system". It's time to take note of "what works". What always puzzled me when I worked at the U. S. Department of Education was: why isn't there a good PR division within each department? There are some good things that these agencies do. They need to "put out their message".

I believe that a team of just "plain, local folk" can solve  problems that confront our communities and country. Now let's see what needs doing. Are you ready? I am.
